Unless it says you and your minions then they don’t. So if you shoot a bone spear at an enemy with decrepify there's a. where can I see how much atk, hp, buff, etc my minions have? bothers me that I can’t see their actual stat. The Necromancer in Diablo 4 is an individual who follows the teachings of Rathma. Army of the dead is great for minion builds, it is good for getting your army revived and specifically for keeping your minions alive against a bunch of elites. At the maximum level and with all the Renown gathered, players will have 58 skill points to invest. In town my minions are totally destroying the immersion when they are all over the place, bright colored and blocking the view on NPCs. They’re not only able to control animals - they can turn into animals (and also cast powerful spells). Blight and Decrepify will keep enemies slow and enable the minions to get in What does minions inherit? In the necro skill tree there is many nodes that says “you and you minions…”. +spell damage or straight physical/damage vs CC'd stuff seems to go through 100%. No way to match the "skeles and curses" vibe of D2. It's pretty balanced for AoE and single targets. Some things I found out in testing are as follows. which honestly is awful and unless there’s a unique and or legendary aspect or paragon mode that increases that, minions will always be ass in WT3-4. 40) and for the Druid i got it to level 51 but never got interest to do endgame for Druid after the campaign. Part of our #diablo4 streamThank you for the love and support! Follow me on other platforms Potential_God Diablo 4 has taken another step further in co-op play from its predecessors.